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Hatem has over than 31 years experience in HSSE field. He holds an Engineer degree obtained in 1989 from the Algerian Petroleum Institute (IAP).

Hatem started his professional career at ETAP in 1990, as an Environmental and Safety Engineer. From 1991 to 2003, He was seconded from ETAP to MARATHON, MARETAP, KUFPEC and CTKP; partners and subsidiary companies of ETAP; with several positions such as HSE supervisor, consultant and manager. He also worked for the United States Embassy in Tunisia as responsible for all the safety construction aspects on site, training personnel and regulations.

From 2003 to 2020, Hatem has worked in SNC Lavalin International Inc. in Libya and Qatar Petroleum as an expat. He was involved in many multidisciplinary Safety, Security and Environmental projects makes him highly qualified to manage all the activities related to assigned personnel at all locations, occupied high rise buildings, complex emergency response plans in place, fire prevention and fighting systems etc..